Tips For Better Digestion

Good digestion is an important part of the health and vitality.
A number of gastrointestinal complaints and symptoms are present even in seemingly healthy people. In many cases go undetected because the complaint does not "serious." Symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, belching, bloating, food sensitivities, indigestion, malabsorption, irritable bowel syndrome, etc., are common, it is considered normal. But you may have a negative impact: Consider that the slow bowel can retain pounds of old toxic excrement. This creates a vicious circle that taxes our defenses, and eventually more serious illness.

Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you live. By taking steps to improve your digestive health, your digestive system will function more efficiently, improving your overall health and sense of well-being.

Try these 12 tips for your better digestive health:

Eat a high fiber diet. According to some studies who consume a diet high in fiber and rich in whole grains, can vegetables, legumes and fruits to improve your digestion? "A diet rich in fiber helps keep food moving through your digestive system, making you more likely to suffer from constipation," The Adams says that a diet high in fiber can also help you prevent or treat various gastrointestinal tract, such as diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, it will help you to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
Take-insoluble and soluble fiber. It is important to consume both types of fibers, help each of the digestive systems in different ways. "Insoluble fiber, also known as forage, cannot be digested by the body and thus allows adding bulk to the stool," says Adams. "Drawing water soluble fiber and can help prevent fecal matter is too thin." Good sources of insoluble fiber include wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains, soluble fiber from oat bran, nuts, seeds and legumes.
Limit foods high in fat. "In general, fatty foods tend to slow down digestion, making you more prone to constipation," says Adams. But as it is important to get a little fat in the diet, Adams said that fatty food that matches the high-fiber diet can make it easier for the digestive system.
Choose lean meats. Protein is an important part of a healthy diet, but fatty meats can lead to bad digestion. When you eat meat, choose lean cuts such as tenderloin, and skinless poultry.
Stay hydrated. Covering water is good for the health of the digestive system, according to Adams. Water helps the digestive system to dissolve fats and soluble fiber, which allows easier transfer of these materials.
Avoid Cold Drinks While Eating
Food is digested more efficiently if it's around body temperature; therefore, cold fluid can slow down the digestive processes. If you must drink while eating, try hot water or herbal teas. Caffeine can cause excess production of HCl so should be avoided, as should alcohol.
Eat on the schedule. Adams says that consume your meals and snacks on a regular schedule can help keep your digestive system in top shape. Aim to sit down for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and at the same time each day.
Skip the bad habits: smoking and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and may interfere with your digestive system and lead to problems such as ulcers and heartburn.
Try self-massage
Specifications of self-massage and exercise used as part of a daily routine will also help improve digestion. Example 1: Liver Exercise This exercise massages the liver and gallbladder, cleansing and toning these organs aid digestion. It helps you cope with the wind and abdominal assists digestion.
Method: Place the right palm on the right side of the body below the rib cage, and just above the hip bone. Toes should be managed directly by the body. Pressing firmly, move your hand slowly around the body at the center of the abdomen, you should end up with the palm of the hand above the navel. Repeat this 10-20 times. Example 2: Exercise Stomach Exercise This exercise is similar to the liver, but is applied to the other side of the body. It benefits digestion, spleen, pancreas and stomach as well.
Method: Place the heel of his left hand between the chest and left hip, fingers pointing all over the body. Move your hand firmly and smoothly through the center of the body, until the navel. Repeat 10-20 times.
Exercise regularly. "Regular exercise helps keep the food moving through the digestive tract, reducing constipation," said Adams. And use to help you maintain a healthy weight, which is good for digestive health. Make a point to move on with your regular work week plan.
Manage stress. Too much stress and anxiety can cause gastrointestinal go on an overdrive, according to Adams. Find a stress-reducing activity that you like and practice them regularly.
Colon and Liver Cleansing
Cleansing the colon and liver cleansing through the use of herbs, supplemental food and benefits the entire digestive system. These are two of the most popular to begin with detoxification, detoxification and benefits of each part of the body, helping to eliminate toxins that would otherwise slow down all the organs and all body functions.
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