How long after sex does conception occur?

When it comes to a baby, the odds are stacked against any single sperm never become a zygote by contact and penetration of a woman's egg. That is if a man has a perfectly healthy sperm - and if he has enough of them.
Look at the numbers: In the time it takes to produce the human heart a beat, a man's body produces 1000 spermatozoa. The average ejaculate of a man (about 2.75 milliliters of it) contains more than a quarter of a billion sperm. Nothing less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen is considered low, while 39 million or more per milliliter is considered optimal for fertilization.

Some study showed that the more intimate sex makes men to produce greater amounts of sperm that are of higher quality. However, many other factors will affect the number and sperm health, including environmental causes, lifestyle and medical problems.

Smoking, heavy drinking, drug use (including use of prescription drugs) or lack of exercise contribute to lower sperm count or poor sperm health. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle - exercise, take a daily multivitamin, eat nutritious foods with fruits and vegetables - that will improve your chances of healthy sperm that are optimal for fertilization. Regardless of health or lifestyle, after 50 years of age there is usually a decrease in sperm motility and quantity. And too long in a hot bath or sauna can even affect sperm health, as the testes maintain a lower temperature is preferable for the health of the sperm inside.

Say that the person has sperm in perfect health. While a quarter of a billion or so start looking for eggs, less than 100 cannot approach.
But how long it took for a fact the sperm from entering the egg and form a zygote? What is the shortest time, should it? What's that? Keep your pants

From sex to Conception
There are about equal numbers of sperm chromosome contains a male or a female chromosome. It sets the gender of the baby at the moment of fertilization of eggs. Also play an important role in the race to reach the egg. While the male sperm are not as strong, have an advantage of speed. Even more slowly than their male counterparts, the advantage of longevity goes to female sperm.
Sperm ejaculated outside the body of a woman has a useful life exceeding several hours and can be as short as a few minutes

But if they survive long enough to reach the fallopian tube, sperm cells can relax and enjoy a safe environment that's conducive to their continued survival. Some actually bind to the fallopian tube itself, as a means of receiving direct nourishment.

When a sperm finally makes contact with the egg, the sperm head releases enzymes that help penetrate the exterior of the egg. Once a sperm does, the two cells: the sperm and egg - form a unity of a single cell called a zygote, and the change prevents sperm from getting through.
The faster the sperm can reach the fallopian tube is about 30 minutes, which means that the fastest way to conception can occur following the sex is in the range of half an hour, this means that, following sex, the egg can be fertilized before you've gotten to take a glass of water.

It takes 3 to4 days for the zygote to journey to the uterus (where implantation will take place), and during such journey mitotic cell division happens. Floating freely in the uterus for the next 3 to 4 days, the morula (16 to 50 cell bumpy appearance resulting from mitotic cell division) grows to become a blastocyst with tropobalst cells (forming placenta and membrane in later development). Therefore, it takes 7 to 8 days from fertilization to implantation. Implantation occurs at high and posterior portion of the uterus. On implantation, the structure is called embryo, until 5 – 8 weeks when it begin to be referred to as fetus.. Implantation bleeding (mistaken as menstrual period) results from capillary rupture on implantation. Endometrium (the inner of the uterus) is termed decidua on conception.
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