The kidneys’ job is to help remove various toxins
(drugs and food wastes), and expel them through the urine. The kidneys are
silent and efficient workers, but if they get sick, the whole body suffers.
As we grow older, our kidneys also start to age,
hence the need to protect them. Another problem with kidney disease is that
majority of patients have no warning symptoms. Occasionally, some patients may
notice leg swelling, which prompts a doctor’s consult.
Here, we have summarized the 10 best ways to protect your
1. Limit your salt intake. Too much salt is not only bad for your blood
pressure, it’s also bad for your kidneys. Many Filipinos die of kidney disease,
which can be partly attributed to our high salt intake and fondness for fish
sauce, soy sauce, plain salt, and salted fish. Even our instant noodles, chips,
and nuts are teeming with salt. According to Dr. Montemayor, it doesn’t matter
if you dilute your soup with lots of water. As long as you drink all the soup,
you’ll still get all the salt in it. Hence, if you like eating instant noodles,
just use half of the seasoning and add half of the water only. The problem with
salt is that it encourages the body to retain water, and can increase your
blood pressure (which damages the kidneys). Learn to read nutritional labels
and limit eating salty foods.
2. Don’t load up on high-protein foods. Did
you know that eating too much protein, such as pork and beef meat, can overwork
your kidneys? It’s true. Being a kidney specialist and physiology professor,
Dr. Montemayor explains that too much protein makes the kidneys work twice as
hard. Her analogy is: If the kidney’s usual activity level is similar to a
person walking, then taking in too much protein can force the kidneys to be
“running” on high gear. Pretty soon, your kidneys could get tired and some of
the weaker kidney cells can die. A friendly reminder to people on a
high-protein Atkin’s Diet or South Beach Diet: Don’t overwork your kidneys. The
time-tested doctor’s advice of moderation in everything will serve you well.
Eat a balanced diet of rice, vegetables, fish, and fruits and you can’t go
3. Keep your blood pressure at 130/80 or lower. If your blood pressure is above 140 over 90,
this can cause kidney damage within five years. The kidneys are said to be
“happiest” with a blood pressure of 130/80 or lower. To help control your blood
pressure, you should limit your salt intake, reduce weight, and take medicines
for high blood pressure, if needed.
4. Keep your blood sugar below 120 mg/dl. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two
leading causes of kidney failure. Diabetes affects almost all organs of the
body. According to Dr. Montemayor, a person with uncontrolled diabetes for five
to 10 years may develop significant kidney damage. Consult your doctor and keep
your blood sugar under control with diet, exercise, and maintenance medicines.
Our two goals are to have 1) a fasting blood sugar of 120 mg/dl or less, and 2)
a hemoglobin A1C test (three-month average blood sugar test) of six percent or
5. Drink eight glasses of water a day. Doctors usually advise people to take in eight
glasses of water a day, but this really depends on your age and condition. If
you’re sweating a lot and work outdoors, you may need to drink more than eight
glasses a day. However, if you are above 65 years of age, you may do well with
just six glasses a day. Drinking enough water also prevents the formation of
kidney stones, a painful condition which, if left untreated, can also lead to
kidney failure.
6. Watch your intake of pain relievers and other drugs. Dr. Montemayor says that taking pain relievers
like mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and the coxibs (like celecoxib) for a prolonged
period of time may cause kidney damage. Because of this, we should limit taking
these medicines to only a week, or just take them as needed. After taking these
pain relievers, we need to let our kidneys rest first (from all its running and
puffing) before taking the medicines again. For those with chronic arthritis,
try to look for other ways to relieve the pain such as using a hot water bag,
pain reliever ointments, or the safer paracetamol tablet. Certain antibiotics
can also cause kidney damage. Check with your doctor first.
7. Be careful with tests and procedures using contrast dyes. Some tests, like CT acans and MRIs, use a
contrast dye which helps doctors delineate the organs better. Many procedures,
such as heart angioplasties and some cancer treatments, also use ample amounts
of contrast dyes. The problem with such dyes is that they can cause kidney
damage, especially in the elderly and those with previous kidney disease. Dr.
Montemayor says there are studies, which support the use of fluid loading
(200-300 ml orally or through the vein), before such a procedure. Another
promising kidney-protecting technique is to take a medicine called Fluimucil
(containing N-acetylcysteine) two days before and up to two days after the
procedure (as reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, June 29, 2006).
To be safe, I would strongly advise you to consult a kidney specialist before
undergoing such procedures.
8. Don’t take too much vitamin C. Some patients are fond of taking high doses of
vitamin C, such as in the 2,000mg range. However, Dr. Montemayor warns patients
against using such high doses. Too much vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can lead to
the formation of kidney stones in predisposed individuals. If you need to take
vitamin C, a dose of 500mg or less is safer.
9. Don’t rely on food supplements to protect your kidneys. According to Dr. Montemayor, there is still no
food supplement that has been scientifically proven to protect the kidneys. The
above tips are so far the best tips to care for the kidneys.
10. Get a kidney check-up. Simple tests, such as a complete blood count,
BUN, creatinine, and a urinalysis are the first screening tests for the
kidneys. Finding a trace of protein in the urine can alert the doctor of
possible kidney disease. Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure should
also be checked for early kidney disease. Bottom line is: Kidney diseases are
expensive and difficult to treat. Let’s take the necessary steps to protect our
kidneys today.
Willie T. Ong, MD (The
Philippine Star) Updated June 21, 2011